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The Divine Order
Prestige Class Design Submissions!

Tangent Games is compiling a detailed collection of books (9 in all!) to highlight and detail each of the 46 deities and religions that are part of the Adosian Divine Order. As part of this collection each deity will have 1 or more prestige classes that represents the pinnacle of faith for each religion. These books are like the literature your read when earning a religion or philosophy degree online.

Tangent Games is asking for prestige class submissions for our first deity book The Divine Order - Jute: Faith of Creation. Deities that will be featured in this first book include Jute: the Lifegiver, Demar: Lord of the Sea, Voran: the Seedplanter, and Vyhan: the Minstrel.

Submission Rules:

1. No purchase is necessary to submit a prestige class. We highly recommend that you have a general feel for each deity and the type of prestige class that will best represent them by purchasing either the Ados: Land of Strife campaign setting or the Ados: Land of Strife -The Divine Order excerpt. All submissions will be based on their own merit and not on any purchase made or not made. If you choose to (or have) purchase the Ados: Land of Strife - The Divine Order excerpt you will be given a coupon for $1 off any other purchase of Tangent Games material at RPGNow.

2. The authors of the final prestige classes chosen for the book will be selected from among all submissions received. The author will receive full credit for their work in the book, a free copy of the book, and a coupon good for $10 off any other Tangent Games product at RPGNow.

3. Submissions are open to anyone. If you are under age 18 you must have a parent or guardian's permission to send a submission by co-signing on the release form. You may submit as many prestige classes as you want (each prestige class must be accompanied by its own release form).

4. Submissions will be accepted until October 31, 2004. All submissions must be postmarked, by that date.

5. The final authors selected to have their work appear in the book will be announced within 30 days of the close of the submission deadline. Authors may be asked to perform edits or changes to suit the needs of Tangent Games. A contract will be signed between the author and Tangent Games. Payment as listed above, and detailed in the contract, will be made available to contest winners within 30 days of publication of the book. (The book is scheduled for publication in early 2005 but this date is subject to change without notice.)

Each submission will describe an original and new (previously unpublished) 10-level or 5-level prestige class. 10-level prestige classes will be considered for Major Deities and Minor Deities and 5-level prestige classes will be considered for Minor Deities and Demigods. Please follow the following guidelines when submitting your prestige class. Any submission that does not follow these guidelines will be thrown out.

1. Each prestige class should be completely fleshed out with a description, hit die, requirements, class skills (including skill points), class features, and a table listing attack bonuses, saves and any special abilities. Class requirements should include the worship of the deity the class represents.

2. Prestige classes that could be considered derogatory or offensive will not be considered for the contest. Any submissions that Tangent Games feels fall into this category will be thrown out.

3. A signed and dated release form will accompany each submission. Submissions that do not have a release form will be returned unread. Release Form

4. A printed copy of your prestige class in 10 point or larger type, double-spaced so that it can be marked for any edits. Each page (in the header or footer) will have the page number, and the top of the first page will list the prestige class's title, your name, your address and phone number, and your e-mail address.

5. If you include an e-mail address we will notify you on receipt of your submission. If you don't have an e-mail address you may include a self-addressed, stamped postcard for us to drop into the mail after we receive your submission, if you want us to acknowledge receipt. (Do not send registered/certified/return-receipt submissions that must be signed for. We won't sign it and the material will sit at the post office gathering dust.)

6. Include a 3.5" floppy disk or CD with files of your submission(s). If you submit multiple prestige classes you can include all the prestige classes on the same disk, however each must still be printed separately and each must include its own release form. Files should be in RTF (Rich Text Format); avoid smart quotes and special characters.

7. Do not submit via e-mail. If we select your submission and request edits we will provide you with an e-mail address to send your edits.

8. Please include a separate file that describes the "ideal" character, what they wear, what they carry, etc. so that we may create art for each prestige class. This is not required, however it will make it easier for our artists to do their job if they have a good feel for what the class should look like. Feel free to include any sketches of your own. No edge or special consideration will be given to submissions that do or do not include this art description or artwork.

Send your submissions to:

Tangent Games
Prestige Class Design Submission
7808 Monrovia
Lenexa, Kansas 66215

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"You'll never know how an encounter with a God will change you."